My Approach
In a hypnotherapy session, As the Hypnotherapist, I will ‘induce’ you into a state of hypnosis before I start using therapy techniques and approaches. There are many different types of methods that can be used in order to hypnotise a client, these are known as ‘hypnotic inductions’. Inductions can vary in style and duration, some are quick, and some take a little longer.
Some require a very direct and authoritarian delivery style (such as ‘rapid inductions’) whereas others are more indirect and permissive in delivery style. Some inductions utilise relaxation, others involve movement, and there are even inductions that involve confusion and ‘overloading’ a client with too much to do.
After you have been hypnotised using an induction, a ‘state deepener’ is then employed in order to intensify the hypnotic experience for you, helping you to a ‘depth of trance’ that is sufficient to engage in the therapy process. This may sound scary but I will be with you supporting you through every step.
Therapy after you are in hypnosis, I will then apply various therapy techniques. It’s common that a therapist will work to a ‘three phase’ treatment plan throughout the entire therapy process that is what I will do. Initially, you may need to be ‘stabilised ‘in order that you are ready to undertake the therapy process.
I will help you to build your own internal resources and ego strength, as well as helping you become engaged in the therapy process and ready to accept changes. Once that has been done, it’s the ‘treatment‘ phase, which is where the bulk of the therapeutic work is undertaken, and finally, the ‘maintenance‘ stage, where I will give you the tools to maintain the positive changes into their future, as well as developing new ways of responding and helping them prepare for challenges in order to prevent any relapses. A common first approach in the stabilisation or treatment portion of the session is to create a deep state of relaxation in you. The reason for this is that relaxation reduces stress.